New PWS resources available thanks to Global Genes

New PWS resources available thanks to Global Genes

Thanks to Global Genes for this exciting translation project! The International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation (IPWSO) is a recipient of the 2022 Health Equity in RARE Patient Impact Grant sponsored by Global Genes. Thanks to this award, IPWSO’s project...
New PWS resources for Arabic-speakers

New PWS resources for Arabic-speakers

Thanks to Global Genes we have been able to provide some new translations to benefit the PWS community in Arabic-speaking regions. The International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation (IPWSO) is a recipient of the 2022 Health Equity in RARE Patient Impact Grant...
New PWS resources for Mandarin-speakers

New PWS resources for Mandarin-speakers

Thanks to Global Genes we have been able to provide some new translations to benefit the PWS community in China. IPWSO is a recipient of the 2022 Health Equity in RARE Patient Impact Grant sponsored by Global Genes. Thanks to this award, IPWSO’s project entitled...
Endocrinology and Prader-Willi syndrome

Endocrinology and Prader-Willi syndrome

We were delighted to jointly host a webinar on 8th September 2022 with the African Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology. We welcomed 50 participants from around the continent of Africa (and beyond) to a webinar to discuss the endocrinology of...
Meaningful employment for people with PWS

Meaningful employment for people with PWS

The Professional Providers and Caregivers Board of IPWSO recently conducted a survey looking for evidence of employment and work placements opportunities for people with PWS around the world. The responses from the survey revealed the following points. Opportunities...