New PWS resources for Arabic-speakers

New PWS resources for Arabic-speakers

Thanks to Global Genes we have been able to provide some new translations to benefit the PWS community in Arabic-speaking regions. The International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation (IPWSO) is a recipient of the 2022 Health Equity in RARE Patient Impact Grant...
New PWS resources for Mandarin-speakers

New PWS resources for Mandarin-speakers

Thanks to Global Genes we have been able to provide some new translations to benefit the PWS community in China. IPWSO is a recipient of the 2022 Health Equity in RARE Patient Impact Grant sponsored by Global Genes. Thanks to this award, IPWSO’s project entitled...
Endocrinology and Prader-Willi syndrome

Endocrinology and Prader-Willi syndrome

We were delighted to jointly host a webinar on 8th September 2022 with the African Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology. We welcomed 50 participants from around the continent of Africa (and beyond) to a webinar to discuss the endocrinology of...
Meaningful employment for people with PWS

Meaningful employment for people with PWS

The Professional Providers and Caregivers Board of IPWSO recently conducted a survey looking for evidence of employment and work placements opportunities for people with PWS around the world. The responses from the survey revealed the following points. Opportunities...
Welcome to PWS China!

Welcome to PWS China!

PWS China has recently joined IPWSO, we asked them to tell us a bit about their work and mission: Prader-Willi Syndrome Care & Support Center, China Since 2017 the Prader-Willi Syndrome Care & Support Center (China) has supported people with PWS in the...