Endocrinology and Prader-Willi syndrome

Endocrinology and Prader-Willi syndrome

We were delighted to jointly host a webinar on 8th September 2022 with the African Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology. We welcomed 50 participants from around the continent of Africa (and beyond) to a webinar to discuss the endocrinology of...

IPWSO calls for use of Growth Hormone treatment in adults

IPWSO argues that Growth Hormone treatment should be universally available not just to children but also to adults with PWS. Our Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board has written to the Editor of the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases calling for the use of Growth...
Use of Growth Hormone in Georgia: Joy for families!

Use of Growth Hormone in Georgia: Joy for families!

We recently heard from our contact Zurab (father to Noe, pictured) in Georgia who reported the good news that the Georgian Ministry of Health has made the decision to provide free Growth Hormone Treatment to children with PWS. Zurab, along with other families, the...
Use of Growth Hormone in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome

Use of Growth Hormone in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome

Charlotte Höybye Department of Endocrinology Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm, Sweden charlotte.hoybye@sll.se Growth Hormone (GH) treatment has been used for treatment of children with PWS for the past 30 years. In contrast, GH treatment has only recently been...