Be inspired by Ansh, a young man with PWS in India

Be inspired by Ansh, a young man with PWS in India

We love to hear your stories from around the world. In this blog post Ansh and his mum Shikha tell us about how Ansh made big changes in his life and how he hopes to inspire other people with PWS to lead healthy lives. Ansh is a young man growing up with PWS in India,...
What is the best diet for Prader-Willi syndrome?

What is the best diet for Prader-Willi syndrome?

Without support and good management of diet and nutritional behaviours, PWS will lead to morbid obesity. This is due to the combination of the overriding desire to eat, coupled with low muscle tone. In order to manage the person with PWS’s weight, it is important to...
What is the treatment for Prader-Willi syndrome?

What is the treatment for Prader-Willi syndrome?

This is one of the most common questions asked particularly by new parents and family members of a new-born baby or child with PWS. The syndrome is rare and in many parts of the world there is limited access to support and information. Most people, including many...
Please help Huis Henri survive!

Please help Huis Henri survive!

IPWSO is aware of many services for people with Prader-Willi syndrome that are entirely reliant on private fundraising and are now struggling due to the downturn in fundraising caused by COVID-19.  One such service is the only PWS-specific residential service...
What are the symptoms of Prader Willi syndrome?

What are the symptoms of Prader Willi syndrome?

A common question from the medical community as well as parents who do not have prior knowledge of a rare disorder such as Prader-Willi, is what are the symptoms? Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic condition whose cause is quite complex, but symptoms are usually...
What causes Prader Willi syndrome?

What causes Prader Willi syndrome?

One of the more frequent questions we receive is ‘what causes Prader-Willi syndrome?’ Prader-Willi syndrome is widely believed to be one of the ten most common syndromes seen in birth defect clinics around the world. However, despite being first described...