Helping carers to understand PWS: Kate’s story

Helping carers to understand PWS: Kate’s story

Kate is an adult living with PWS. In this personal blog she writes about what it is like to have PWS and what she wants other people to know about it.   I am writing this article for carers because I have to educate them more on Prader-Willi syndrome. To help...
Famcare guides for families

Famcare guides for families

Our Famcare Board has written a fantastic collection of guides to help families navigate the key issues affecting people with PWS. A guide to rituals and obsessions A guide to the transitional years After the Diagnosis, Relief and Acceptance Basics of a healthy adult...
PWS and self-determination

PWS and self-determination

Prader-Willi France held its 25th national day on 15th October 2022, gathering together more than 220 families and professionals. The theme was self determination under the title “What about my opinion?”. Two children and two adults with PWS addressed the...
A Mother’s Experience: new report out

A Mother’s Experience: new report out

A Mother’s Experience: a report on the social and psychological experiences of mothers raising children with Prader-Willi syndrome At IPWSO, we engage with families from all backgrounds and cultures to provide support for people with Prader-Willi syndrome globally. It...
Inaugurada la primera residencia especializada para personas con Síndrome de Prader-Willi en España / Opening of the first group home designed for people with Prader-Willi syndrome in Spain

Inaugurada la primera residencia especializada para personas con Síndrome de Prader-Willi en España / Opening of the first group home designed for people with Prader-Willi syndrome in Spain

El pasado 31 de mayo se inauguró la primera residencia especializada para personas con Síndrome de Prader-Willi en España. A la inauguración asistió la Ministra de Sanidad, Carolina Darias, junto con autoridades regionales y locales. La residencia, denominada “Mil...