Do you want to organise a PWS event in your country?

Do you want to organise a PWS event in your country?

New round of funding for PWS Conference and Workshops to be announced soon!  Thanks to the support of Friends of IPWSO (USA), the IPWSO Grants Committee is able to offer funding to individuals and groups who are interested in planning and hosting a PWS event to...

ASPAE 2024 Travel Fellowships

Opportunities to attend the fifteenth African Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology Congress on 7 & 8 March 2024, Algiers, Algeria.   In order to share knowledge about Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) around the world, IPWSO is delighted to offer a limited...
Can you help more families access PWS support?

Can you help more families access PWS support?

Please support our Advice Line Appeal Help us be there for people with PWS in parts of the world with little support.  This month we’re raising funds to help people with PWS access our vital advice line.   Your donations will provide essential life-saving advice for...
Meeting for Ukrainian Families

Meeting for Ukrainian Families

We are hosting a meeting about the key features and challenges of Prader-Willi syndrome for families from Ukraine on November 21st at 7 pm (EET, Ukraine time). The meeting will feature a presentation by Dr. Susanne Blichfeldt and will be fully translated into...
Do you want to organise a PWS event in your country?

Do you want to organise a PWS event in your country?

Applications are now welcome for funding for PWS Conference and Workshops!  Thanks to the support of Friends of IPWSO (USA), the Conference and Workshops Committee of IPWSO is able to offer funding to individuals and groups who are interested in planning and hosting a...