XI Conferencia Internacional IPWSO 2022

XI Conferencia Internacional IPWSO 2022

XI Conferencia Internacional IPWSO 2022 (*) University of Limerick – Irlanda 6 al 10 de julio Ya es tiempo que volvamos a reunirnos presencialmente como comunidad global, después de estos difíciles tiempos de pandemia en que hemos estado aislados. IPWSO 2022 ha...
XI Conferencia Internacional IPWSO 2022

What is it like to host an IPWSO conference?

An interview with Gary Brennan, National Development Manager, Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland, on the International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation Conference 6-10 July 2022, Limerick, Ireland How does it feel to be the host for the next international...
Supporting the needs of adults with PWS, now and in the future

Supporting the needs of adults with PWS, now and in the future

How can we encourage the development of good quality support and care for adults with Prader-Willi syndrome?  A blog written by François Besnier for Prader-Willi France and shared with permission. These few lines are personal reflections, inspired and developed...
Celebrating the lives of people with PWS this Rare Disease Day

Celebrating the lives of people with PWS this Rare Disease Day

Here at IPWSO we are celebrating the lives of people with Prader-Willi syndrome this Rare Disease Day 2021!  The main objective of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on peoples’...