An update on plans for our 2025 conference
Our members usually select our conference venue at our General Assembly, however we did not receive any bids to present at the conference last year.
The General Assembly therefore agreed to reopen the process and asked for bids to be submitted to the Board of IPWSO by the end of January 2023. We received submissions from three associations, and we are very grateful to them for the work they put into developing their proposals.
Following examination of the bids and dialogue with the associations we now only have one excellent bid to take forward. Therefore on this occasion there is no need for a vote amongst the membership.
We are delighted to announce that the 2025 conference will be held in the USA in partnership with PWSA | USA.
We are keen to tell our members more about the bid and what the conference will be like. PWSA | USA are now in the build up to their own 2023 convention, therefore we will arrange a meeting to present the details later in the year.