by Nicki Francomb | Nov 17, 2020
Parent, Philanthropist, fundraiser, and conference adviser Joan has served as an adviser and committee member of PWSA USA and IPWSO. Currently Joan is the Parent Representative from USA to IPWSO.
by Nicki Francomb | Nov 17, 2020
English solicitor Advises IPWSO on English law matters. Practised law in City of London for many years. Has known of IPWSO for many years and is a friend of a family with adult daughter with PWS.
by Nicki Francomb | Nov 17, 2020
Chartered Psychologist, Cambridge Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Group Aspects of Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), especially cognition and behaviour and how this relates to the genetic abnormalities.
by Nicki Francomb | Nov 17, 2020
Pediatric Cardiology Bronson Healthcare, Kalamazoo, USA, Gastrointestinal health in PWS.
by Nicki Francomb | Nov 17, 2020
Constanze is qualified in pediatric endocrinology, diabetology, nutrition, somnology and epileptology. She established the Hildesheim program for treating patients with PWS and sees frequently more than 300 patients with PWS.