Translated Guides
Elsewhere on the website we are reliant on Google translate which automatically translates web text. We know that this does not provide a perfect translation but we hope that it is of a good standard and will improve over time. If there are factsheets that you would like translated formally then please let us know.
Arabic / عربى
- Videos
- IPWSO leaflet
- People with Prader-Willi syndrome can avoid obesity
For doctors:
- Does your patient have Prader-Willi syndrome?
- Free diagnosis: information for professionals
- Important medical facts about Prader-Willi syndrome
- Guides for Doctors: Infants (age 0-3) with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Guides for Doctors: Children (age 3-12) with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Guides for Doctors: Adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Guides for Doctors: Adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Medical Alerts
- Growth Hormone and Prader-Willi Syndrome (3rd Edition) produced by PWSA | USA (Translated by PWSA EG-ME
- People with Prader-Willi syndrome can avoid obesity
For families:
- Promoting Positive Behaviour
- Diet and Nutrition
- The importance of planned, purposeful days
- Exercise for people with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Guide to Duty of Care
- Guide to Coping with Change
- Guide to Managing Skin picking
- Guide to PWS Awareness for Professionals
- Basics of an Adult Healthy Life
- Free diagnosis: information for families
Croatian / Hrvatski
• Medical Alerts / Medicinska upozorenja
Dutch / Nederlands
- Health Checklist / Gezondheidschecklist
- Guide to Confabulation / Verzinsels
- Guide to Coping with Change / Omgaan met veranderingen bij mensen met het Prader Willi Syndrome
- Guide to “I want the same” / Ik wil hetzelfde
- Guide to Setting Boundaries / Zekerheid door het stellen van grenzen
- Basics of an Adult Healthy Life / De basis voor een gezonde volwassen levensstijl
- Medical Alerts Handbook / Aandachtspunten
French / Français
- IPWSO brochure
- People with Prader-Willi syndrome can avoid obesity / Les personnes avec un syndrome de Prader-Willi peuvent éviter l’obésité
- Does your patient have Prader-Willi syndrome? / Votre patient a t’il un syndrome de Prader-Willi?
- Important medical facts about Prader-Willi syndrome / Faits médicaux importants sur le syndrome de Prader-Willi
- Prader-Willi syndrome and the Young Child / Le syndrome de Prader-Willi et le jeune enfant (Février 2021)
- Sex hormones, fertility and sexuality in Prader-Willi syndrome / Syndrome de Prader-Willi , hormones sexuelles, fertilité et sexualité (Mars 2021)
- Les personnes avec un syndrome de Prader-Willi peuvent éviter l’obésité
German / Deutsche
- Health Checklist / Checkliste für eine “Gute Gesundheit”
- Basics of a Healthy Adult Lifestyle / Die Grundlagen für einen gesunden Lebensstil im Erwachsenenalter
- Guide to Confabulation / Geschichten erzählen
- Guide to Coping with Change / “Umgang mit Veränderungen” bei Menschen mit Prader-Willi-Syndrom
- Guide to Skin picking / Hautverletzung (Skin-Picking) bei Menschen mit PWS
- Guide to setting boundaries / Sicherheit durch Grenzen
- Guide to Behaviour Management / PWS Verhaltensstrategien
- Fertility, Sexuality and Sex hormones in PWS / Fertilität, Sexualität und Geschlechtshormone bei Erwachsenen mit PWS
- Guide to Managing a Meltdown / Der Umgang mit „Krisen” bei Menschen mit Prader-Willi-Syndrom
- Guidance on supporting people with PWS during Covid-19 / Unterstützung von Menschen mit dem Prader-Willi-Syndrom während der Corona-Pandemie
- People with PWS and COVID-19 immunisation December 2020 / Stellungnahme des Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board (CSAB) der IPWSO zu Menschen mit PWS und COVID-19 Immunisierung
Greek / Ελληνικά
Hungarian / Magyar
Italian / Italiano
- Important medical facts about Prader-Willi syndrome / Importanti informazioni mediche sulla Sindrome di Prader-Willi
- Medical Alerts Handbook / Avvertenze Mediche
- Health Checklist / Elenco della “Buona salute”
- Guide to Basics of a Healthy Adult Lifestyle / Le Basi per una Vita adulta Sana
- Guide to Confabulation / Racconti inventati nella PWS
- Guide to Coping with Change / “Gestire il cambiamento” nelle persone con sindrome di Prader Willi
- Guide to I want the same / Voglio lo stesso
- Guide to Managing a Meltdown / “Gestire una crisi di nervi ” in persone con sindrome di Prader-Willi
- Guide to Managing Skin picking / Lo Skin picking (Dermatillomania)
Japanese / 日本語
- Medical Alert / メディカルアラート 日本語版
- Exercise for people with PWS / PWSを持つ人にとっての運動
- Promoting positive behaviour / 一定のルールを一貫して導入することの有用性
- Transition in people with PWS / 移行期
- Meeting with professionals / 専門家との面談に関するのガイダンス
- プラダー・ウィリー症候群と診断されたお子さんのご両親のために書かれたものです。
- Guide to health: checklist / 「健康」チェックリスト
- Guide to Basics of a Healthy Adult Life / PWS を持つ成人の健康的な生活に欠かせないポイントについて
- Guide to confabulation (story telling in PWS) / PWS を持つ人の作話
- Guide to coping with change in PWS / PWS を持つ人の「変更への対応」
- Guide to “I want the same” / PWS を持つ人に、「どうしてわたしは他の人と同じものをもらっては(同じことをして は)いけないの?」と聞かれたら、あなたはどう答えますか?
Latvian / Latvietis
Mandarin / 汉语
- Videos
- 关于PWS的重要医学事实 One page PWS medical facts
- 0-3岁PWS患儿的医疗护理 Guides for Doctors: Infants (age 0-3) with Prader-Willi syndrome
- 3-12岁PWS患儿的医疗护理 Guides for Doctors: Children (age 3-12) with Prader-Willi syndrome
- PWS青少年患者的医疗护理 Guides for Doctors: Adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome
- PWS成人患者的医疗护理 Guides for Doctors: Adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Medical Alerts
- 饮食和营养 Diet and Nutrition
- 有计划、有目的的饮食至关重要 The importance of planned, purposeful days
- 普拉德-威利综合征患者的锻炼 Exercise for people with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Basics of a healthy adult life
- Guide to PWS and duty of care
- Coping with change
- Meeting with Professionals
- Skin picking
Persian / زبان فارسي
Portugese / Português
- Does your patient have Prader-Willi syndrome? / O seu paciente tem síndrome de Prader-Willi?
- Medical Overview 0-3 years / Cuidados médicos para lactantes e crianças pequenas (0-3 anos)
- Medical Overview 3-12 years / Cuidados médicos para a criança (idade 3-12 anos) com síndrome de Prader‐Willi
- Medical Alerts Handbook / Síndrome de Prader-Willi Alertas Clínicos (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Medical Alerts Handbook / Síndrome de Prader-Willi Alertas Clínicos
- Guide to Managing a Meltdown / “Gerenciando um colapso” em pessoas com síndrome de Prader‐Willi
- Guide to Duty of Care / Guia para: Síndrome de Prader-Willi e o Dever de cuidar
- Guide to Exercise / Exercício para Pessoas com Síndrome de Prader-Willi
- Guide to Motivation / Motivar alguém com SPW
- Blind Rage / Raiva cega
- Skin picking / Dermatotilexomania em pessoas com síndrome de Prader‐Willi
- Hormônio do Crescimento e Síndrome de Prader-Willi (2024) PWSA | USA translation – Translated by PWS Brasil
Romanian / Română
Russian / русский
- Basics of a Healthy Adult Life / Основные правила для здорового образа жизни у взрослых
- Health Checklist / Список для контроля здоровья
- Coping with Change / Советы, как помочь людям с синдромом Прадера–Вилли справиться с переменами
- Rethinking our Approach / Пересмотр подхода к диете и питанию людей с синдромом Прадера-Вилли
- Guide to PWS & Duty of Care / Руководство по синдрому Прадера-Вилли и обязанностям по уходу
- Guide to Skin picking / Дерматилломания у людей с синдромом Прадера–Вилли
- Guide to Weight Management / УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ВЕСОМ И ПОВЕДЕНИЕМ: что можно делать, и чего нельзя
Slovenian / Slovenščina
Spanish / Español
Cuidados médicos
- Medical overview & evaluation for babies and infants / Cuidados médicos para bebés y niños pequeños con síndrome de Prader-Willi
- Medical Overview & Evaluation 3-12 years / Cuidados médico para niños (edad 3-12 años) pequeños con síndrome de Prader-Willi
- Medical Overview & Evaluation – Adolescent / Cuidados médico para el adolescente con síndrome de Prader-Willi
- Medical Overview & Evaluation – Adult / Cuidados médico para adultos con síndrome de Prader-Willi
- Medical Alert Handbook / Alerta Médica síndrome de Prader-Willi
- Medication warning / Advertencia- ¡La combinación de medicamentos pueden afectar de forma fatídica la capacidad respiratoria en PWS! PWSA (USA)
El diagnóstico de SPW
- Free diagnosis, information for families / Iniciativa Internacional para el diagnóstico de SPW: Información para las familias
- Free diagnosis, information for professionals / Iniciativa Internacional para el Diagnóstico de Síndrome de Prader-Willi: Información para profesionales
- Getting tested, PWSA (USA) / Realizarse las pruebas para el Síndrome de Prader-Willi, PWSA (USA)
- Follow the Principles of Food Security, PWSA (USA) / Siga los Principios de la Seguridad Alimentaria, PWSA (USA)
- When Food is Deadly, PWSA (USA) / Cuando el Alimento es Mortal, PWSA (USA)
- Motivating a person with PWS / Motivando a Alguien con SPW
- Managing change with a person with PWS / “Afrontando los cambios” en personas con Síndrome de Prader Willi
- Confabulation (Storytelling) / “Narración de historias” Síndrome Prader-Willi
- Promoting positive behaviour / Estrategias para Obtener una Conducta Positiva, PWSA (USA)
- Guide to “I want the same” / Yo quiero lo mismo
- Guide to Managing a Meltdown / “Manejando una rabieta” en personas con síndrome de Prader-Willi
- What is Blind Rage? / Furia Ciega
Apoyo familiar
- Guide to PWS & Duty of Care / Guía de: Síndrome de Prader-Willi y Responsabilidad del Cuidado
- Impact of PWS / Impacto del Síndrome, PWSA (USA)
- How does a Person with PWS Think? PWSA (USA) / ¿Cómo Piensa Una Persona Con El Síndrome Prader-Willi? PWSA (USA)
- Process of Teaching and Learning, AESPW / El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en personas con SPW, AESPW
- PWS in the classroom / El Síndrome de Prader-Willi en las aulas, buenas prácticas, AESPW
Swedish / Svenska
Turkish / Türk
- Important Medical Facts about PWS, Prader-Willi Sendromu (PWS) Hakkında Önemli Tıbbi Bilgiler
- Ovewview and Evaluation for babies 0-3 years / 0-3 Yaş Arası Prader-Willi Sendromlu Bebekler
- Overview and Evaluation for Children with PWS Aged 3-12yrs, 3-12 Yaş Arası Prader-Willi Sendromlu Çocuklar
- Overview and Evaluation for Adolescents with PWS, Prader-Willi Sendromlu Ergenler
- Overview and Evaluation for Adults with PWS, Prader-Willi sendromlu yetişkinler
- Medical Alerts Handbook / Tıbbi Uyarılar
- Diet and Nutrition / Diyet ve Beslenme
- The importance of planned, purposeful days, Planlı, amaçlı günlerin önemi
- Exercise for people with Prader-Willi syndrome, Prader-Willi sendromlu kisiler icin egzersiz
Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt
International Community
IPWSO was established so that PWS associations, families, clinicians and caregivers around the world could exchange information and support and have a united global voice under one umbrella.
Information for Medical Professionals
The latest medical and scientific research and information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS.