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Famcare Board


Photo of Verena Gutmann
Verena Gutmann


Educational Head of Department  responsible for the Educational Management of 100 youngsters from 14-20 years. Also responsible for the formation of the Austrian PWS Association and  chairperson for 10 years. Verena was an auditor for IPWSO before joining the board.  She has a daughter with PWS living in the  Regens Wagner Institution in Absberg /Bavaria/Germany. Verena was an IPWSO Trustee from 2016-2022.

Gaby Erazo
Amalia Balart

Amalia is mother to an adult woman with PWS. She is Director of Centro Crecer, a day care center for young and adult people with special needs. Amalia was an IPWSO Trustee from 2016-2022, during which time she formed the Latin American network of specialists in PWS and provided mentorship to countries that wanted to form their own national associations in the region. She also created the Chilean PWS network of families throughout the country. 

Scott Arant
Susanne Blichfeldt

Consultant (Neuropediatrics). Susanne has an adult son with PWS. She is also a member of our Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board.

Scott Arant
Karin Clarke

Karin Clarke is the Chairperson of the Prader-Willi Syndrome Support Group of South Africa.  She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in economics and psychology from the University of Cape Town (UCT).  She worked in Marketing Research, at Kantar TNS until her daughter with PWS was 2 years old. In 2011 when her daughter was four years old and was finally diagnosed with PWS she joined the PWS Association of South Africa. In 2015 she started the Facebook page for PWS SA and became more involved. In 2017 she became the Chairperson and the structure was changed to a support group under Rare Diseases SA (RDSA).   She works with RDSA as a rare ambassador for PWS.  The three main areas of focus for the support group are support, education and advocacy.   The core form of support is the WhatsApp group due to the large geographical distances in South Africa.  Due to the very low levels of diagnosis of PWS elsewhere in Africa families from other southern and central African countries are welcomed to join PWS SA as there are no support groups for PWS in southern and central Africa.   Connections are being made through Rare-Africa (also predominantly run by RDSA) to educate on PWS elsewhere in Africa. Karin has been a co-opted Trustee of IPWSO since 2022.

Maria Elvira
María Elvira Garcia Ronderos

María Elvira was born in Bogotá, Colombia. She is an Industrial Engineer, and specialised in finance and organisational development and is also a Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming. She worked for 33 years in different sectors of the economy. She wrote the book “The Smile Thief”, published in 2017, which is the testimony of a family with a special child. She has been married for over 40 years to Mauricio Sánchez with whom she has four children; the youngest, Carlos Iván, has Prader-Willi syndrome. She has been President of the Asociación Colombiana Síndrome de Prader-Willi since 2019. María was part of the organising committee of international symposiums on PWS in Colombia in 2019 and 2021.

Georgina Loughnan

Georgina is based at the Prader-Willi syndrome specialist clinic, Metabolism and Obesity Services at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, NSW, Australia. She is involved with the New South Wales PWS Association and now with Prader-Willi Syndrome Australia. Georgina has worked with IPWSO for many years through the Famcare Committee as well as being a former member of the IPWSO Board of Trustees.

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