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Coping with Change

…information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS. Information for Professional Caregivers Sharing international knowledge among professional service providers throughout the world.

PWSA | USA Medical Alerts
Medical Alerts in your language
Consensus Documents……

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Mental Health

…B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.R.C.P., M.Phil., F.R.C.Psych., Emeritus Professor of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disabilities, University of Cambridge. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic condition involving a range of physical, mental health and behavioral characteristics. This fact sheet has been prepared for people with PWS, families of people with PWS and for others who provide clinical, behavioral, and educational support. In the fact sheet the risks for specific mental illnesses, referred to as ‘affective disorders’ (depression,…

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Living and Working with Prader-Willi Syndrome

…in culture and space as Norway and Taiwan, but in every country, the children and adults with PWS face the same challenges. I am honoured to have been asked to be the representative for families and people with PWS in the EASO Patient Council and look forward very much to meeting other members of the Council at the upcoming Congress in Portugal in May.[i] – Adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome: abnormalities of sleep and behaviour….

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Research We conduct research and also support and commission others to take part in research to benefit people with Prader-Willi syndrome.   Research on specialist services for people with PWS There is significant anecdotal evidence that PWS-specific residential services bring benefit and are necessary for many people with PWS if they are to have satisfied, socially integrated and healthy lives. However, there are very few peer-reviewed evaluations of these services. Without formal empirical evidence of…

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Early results from IPWSO’s PWS and COVID-19 survey

…information that may help others, now or in the future. If you have supported someone with PWS through a COVID-19 illness please help us understand more about the infection – if English is not your first language do ask someone to help. Thank you very much. Just to reassure you we do not ask for names and no one whose information you have provided for us can be identified. < Back to Our Blogs…

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Board of Trustees

…in Learning (Intellectual) Disability establishing the Cambridge Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Group ( His specific research interests include the eating, behavioural and mental health problems associated with having Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). With colleagues he has published research extensively on these topics in academic and practice-based journals. He is Patron of the UK PWS Association and since 2016 he has been President of IPWSO. Since October 2015 he has held an Emeritus position at the…

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When a person with Prader-Willi syndrome is in trouble with the law

…decide on legal advice to plead guilty, and the court will proceed to sentencing. If he/she decides to plead not guilty, then the court hearing will commence. There will be differences between countries, but in general, it is for the court to determine beyond reasonable doubt two factors: first that the alleged offence (hitting someone, stealing food) happened (referred to in some jurisdictions as actus reus), and secondly, that it wasn’t simply an accident but…

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Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board

…Pediatric Endocrinolgy, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY USA. Susanne Blichfeldt Consultant (Neuropediatrics). Susanne has an adult son with PWS. She is also a member of the IPWSO Famcare Board. Suzanne Cassidy Medical genetics doctor in Sausalito, California and is affiliated with UCSF Medical Center. A founding member of IPWSO and Past President, Susie is also a serving board member of PWSA | USA. Leopold Curfs Dept. of Clinical Genetics, University Maastricht/Academic Hospital, Maastricht, The Netherlands….

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What is the difference between obesity and PWS?

…on the Foresight Obesity Map at Other messages I took home Much of the information presented was way over my head, as I have no medical training. However, with apologies to the various speakers whose research and views I noted down, but not their names, here are some further points I thought of interest or importance, with my comments in brackets. BMI size is not an indicator of health. It does not account for

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Quick links

three adults and a child smiling

Information for

Find useful guides, research and information to help families manage PWS.

One man one lady at conference

Information for Medical Professionals

The latest medical and scientific research and information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS.

young child in a yellow dinosaur jumper

What is PWS?

Prader-Willi syndrome is a complex genetic condition. Various studies have shown that between 1 in 15,000 to 25,000 children are born with Prader-Willi syndrome.