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Prader-Willi research

Our Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board has published a collated list of all PWS research papers published from October to December 2020….

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PWS in Africa

…in Africa and would like to get more involved in this work then do get in contact with us. There are also various resources that may be of interest:   PWS information in Arabic, French and other languages: PWS information in English: IPWSO’s free diagnosis service: PWS Support Group, South Africa run whatsapp groups for families and would be happy to add people from other African countries: IPWSO’s advice line:…

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What is the best diet for Prader-Willi syndrome?

…a young age including what your child eats, when they eat and how much they eat, will enable them to manage a healthy weight over time. When establishing a plan of what and how much your child eats, it is advised to consider the following: · low in fat, · low in energy/kilojoules (kJ), · tailored to the child’s needs to enable growth in height, · healthy – to ensure nutrient requirements are met, ·…

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…Caregivers Sharing international knowledge among professional service providers throughout the world. What is PWS? Free Diagnosis Find support in my country How we can help IPWSO is committed to supporting all people with Prader-Willi syndrome and their families, whatever their needs, and wherever they live. Whether you are looking for answers to your questions, information about diagnosis or support to build expertise in your own country, you are in the right place. Latest News Find…

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…to redirect to a safe topic that everyone knows is true, like “Tell me about your sports memorabilia collection” or “Tell me about the first time that you went to a rugby game?” Or, if in a residential or school environment, teach staff an intervention “That’s an interesting story, but I’ll have to check with your mom.” or, “It must make you feel important to think that you’re related to a sports star.” It’s not…

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Best Practice Guidelines for Residential Care

…unique neuropsychological strengths and vulnerabilities. Strengths include good long-term memory, visual processing, shape discrimination, attention and perseverance for preferred activities. The environment has to consider that people with PWS can have short-term memory deficits, deficits in dichotic listening, fine motor deficits, sensory perception and integration problems, deficits in simultaneous and sequential processing, poor time sense, cognitive inflexibility and rigidity, poor coping strategies. deficits by learning from mistakes, they need support perceiving the emotions of others,…

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Physical Health and Exercise

…consistent balance of meals and snacks. This means all extra food sources need to remain inaccessible to the person with PWS. Kitchens, pantries, refrigerators, food cupboards, fruit bowls, garbage bins, shops, relatives’ homes, friends’ homes, neighbours’ homes, work places, day programmes, food courts, shops, church functions, sporting events and independent travel all provide the opportunity for “extra” energy intake. Most people with PWS will take food or money to buy food, or eat leftover food…

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Prader-Willi research

Our Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board has published a collated list of all PWS research papers published from July to September 2020….

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Announcing IPWSO Project ECHO® Programmes – 2020/2021

…or who are interested in developing associations – parents and professionals. Starts:                       Tuesday 1 December 2020 Format:                      Online using Zoom Video Conferencing Duration:                  10 sessions each lasting 90 minutes Frequency:               To be determined by participants Numbers:                  Restricted to enable maximum participation Attendance:     …

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Quick links

three adults and a child smiling

Information for

Find useful guides, research and information to help families manage PWS.

One man one lady at conference

Information for Medical Professionals

The latest medical and scientific research and information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS.

young child in a yellow dinosaur jumper

What is PWS?

Prader-Willi syndrome is a complex genetic condition. Various studies have shown that between 1 in 15,000 to 25,000 children are born with Prader-Willi syndrome.