Summit on Preventing obesity and other risks
Preventing obesity and other risks, and promoting a good life: global experiences of restrictions and supporting independence
Sunday 14 May, 2023
Children and adults with PWS and their families living in different countries and in rural and urban settings may have very different experiences, but all will be faced with how to manage the risk of life-threatening obesity associated with their child’s hyperphagia and what to do to reduce and manage emotional outbursts or self-harming behaviours if they occur.
In this second IPWSO Summit families and health and social care professionals will share their experiences and reflect on how such issues and crises are managed in their country.
Our aim is to identify possible options when seeking to resolve these complex challenges and to consider whether limitations on choice and other restrictions are necessary and justifiable in order to prevent harm and their legality.
Please note this meeting is now concluded.

On the topic of Ethical principles, managing individual choice and the risk of harm when supporting people with PWS you may wish to view the presentation made by Dr Elizabeth Fistein for the Leadership ECHO programme.
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IPWSO was established so that PWS associations, families, clinicians and caregivers around the world could exchange information and support and have a united global voice under one umbrella.
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The latest medical and scientific research and information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS.