We love to hear your stories from around the world. In this blog post Ansh and his mum Shikha tell us about how Ansh made big changes in his life and how he hopes to inspire other people with PWS to lead healthy lives.
Ansh is a young man growing up with PWS in India, next month he turns 17. Ansh has worked with his mum to raise awareness of PWS in India. Ansh weighed more than 85kgs in December and had to be put on the C-pap machine due to his increasing obesity. He was very uncomfortable and unhappy with the mask and C-pap machine. His counsellor convinced him to visit a dietitian and this resulted in Ansh’s decision to lose weight.
Between December and today (August 2020) Ansh has lost 22 kgs. He achieved this by doing high intensity workouts (which he can do on his own) and by following a very healthy eating lifestyle.
Now Ansh eats everything in moderation and he feels that all people with PWS can be very happy with their food and stay fit too. Ansh plans his meals and recipes everyday and balances his carb intake.
In our country, India, Growth Hormone (GH) treatment is not covered by insurance or government hence it’s very expensive for us. Ansh did not get GH until we started a low maintenance dose for him 5 months ago. Ansh is pictured in a recent picture in slim fit denims and shirt as it was his dream to wear these clothes! You can also see Ansh recently received a bouquet of packaged junk food as a gift. He refused to keep it at home and gave it away.
We hope Ansh can inspire other children with PWS around the world the way he has done in India!