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Guides for Doctors: Consensus Documents

These guides have been developed by IPWSO’s Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board to provide an overview of the most common and serious medical issues affecting people with PWS and to provide a structure for the medical evaluation of their needs. The guides have been written for use by medical professionals and allied health staff and will also be of interest to families who may wish to take them to medical appointments. The guides are available in four parts addressing four different age groups. We would encourage you to share these with friends and colleagues.

Please visit our translations page to download professionally translated versions in Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish and Turkish.

Adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
Adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome
Children (age 3-12) with Prader-Willi syndrome
Infants (age 0-3) with Prader-Willi syndrome

International Community

IPWSO was established so that PWS associations, families, clinicians and caregivers around the world could exchange information and support and have a united global voice under one umbrella.

three adults and a child smiling

Information for

Find useful guides, research and information to help families manage PWS.

One man one lady at conference

Information for Medical Professionals

The latest medical and scientific research and information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS.

Information for
Professional Caregivers

Sharing international knowledge among professional service providers throughout the world.

What is PWS?

Prader-Willi syndrome is a complex genetic condition. Various studies have shown that between 1 in 15,000 to 25,000 children are born with Prader-Willi syndrome and it affects all races and both sexes equally.  

Free Diagnosis

If you suspect your patient has Prader-Willi syndrome, based on the clinical signs and symptoms, but are unable to access testing in your country, then you may be able to access free testing.

Find support in my country

We have contacts in many countries and regions around the world.