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Celebrating the lives of people with PWS this Rare Disease Day

…love unconditionally and makes you a better human being; that is their mission, ‘to be our teachers.’ Sometimes stubborn, anxious, aggressive, but always loving, transparent in their actions, happy, intelligent, the best gift that God and life have given us. Carlitos is our partner, he likes to hang out with his family and friends, he loves sports, dancing, horse riding, and above all, assemble puzzles! There, he enters in a state of active meditation that…

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New PWS resources for Mandarin-speakers

…care for people with PWS. We have also used this grant to translate key informational videos about PWS made at our recent conference into Arabic and Mandarin. These videos are presented by international experts and provide key information on issues affecting people with PWS. Please help us to share this information by forwarding these links on to people in your network. 国际普拉德-威利综合征组织 (IPWSO) 荣获了 Global Genes 所赞助的“2022 年卫生公平之罕见病患者影响补助金”。有赖于这个奖项,IPWSO 名为“为讲阿拉伯语、土耳其语和普通话的人士开发普拉德–威利综合征教育资源”的项目得以成功完成。 我们希望这些翻译版文件能帮助更多专业人士和家庭为普拉德-威利综合征患者提供最好的护理。 在我们最近的会议中,一些重要信息被制作成了影片。我们利用这笔补助金将这些影片翻译成了阿拉伯语和普通话。这些影片由国际专家呈现,为影响普拉德-威利综合征患者的问题提供了重要信息。 请将上述文件转发给您交际网络中的人士,以便帮助我们分享这些信息。   饮食和营养 Diet…

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Motivating someone with PWS

Motivating someone with PWS How many times have you thought “he/she is so lazy….” “they won’t do anything I tell them to do”, “they won’t do their exercise”, “I told him/her to tidy his room 1 hour ago and he/she hasn’t even started”, “ he/she is so slow to get ready”. Self-motivation is not easy for most people with PWS A simple way to remember some key tools to help motivate someone with PWS is…

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Too hot, too cold: Abnormal temperature sensation

…(104 – 113° Fahrenheit), for adults. If the water is above 45 -50° Celsius (104 – 122° Fahrenheit) for adults, there is a risk of burning the skin. The sores that develop can become infected, and these will heal slowily, especially if you are overweight. So, it is recommended to only bathe or shower in warm water, using the temperature guide above, for a maximum of 10 minutes. It’s the same with saunas. It is…

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Advocating for Hope: IPWSO’s Impact at 2024 African Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology Conference

…behalf, our Vice-President, François Besnier; Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board member, Maithé Tauber; and Marie-Odile Besnier. With over 550 medical professionals in attendance, the stage was set for impactful engagement and advocacy. On the first photo on the right: Pictured from left to right, Dr Fomenky, Dr Phoebe Warmalwa, Dr Hiwot, François Besnier, Dr Elizabeth Oyenusi, Dr Mbona Rita, Marie-Odile Besnier, Pr Maithé Tauber. One of the sessions of the conference was devoted to obesity,…

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New Parents

…too. Most students do well with reading, writing, computer studies, with some doing exceptionally well with fine motor skills (jigsaw puzzles, knitting, clay-modelling etc). Ok, so they might not have a career in the specialist field you had set your heart on, but they will achieve at their own level of competence. Be proud of them, encourage them, provide practical support. PWS characteristics aren’t “bad behaviour” As your child grows older, so you will start…

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Education and Transition

…threading beads etc). Their IQ level generally falls in the just-below-normal level, but often shows “islands of competence”. Maths instruction needs to be conceptual and practical and often repeated many times before there is understanding. Once understanding has occurred however, the concepts generally remain. Like all children they thrive on praise. Teaching the skills of using a calculator, for instance, is often more useful than trying to teach the times-tables. Primary Schooling On the whole,…

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COVID-19 and PWS

…with PWS becomes infected with Covid-19. How did the illness present, how serious was it, how long did it last, and were there any particular complications? We want to build up our knowledge about Covid-19 and its impact on people with PWS and, for this reason, we want to be here for you. Help us understand so we can better advise you – please send information on your experience or any comments to Tony Holland…

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Starting a PWS Organisation

…or daughter? Do you have a medical diagnosis for your son/daughter, and if so, do you know what subtype they have (deletion, maternal disomy, or mosaic imprinting) What help do you already receive? What help do you want? Is your son/daughter at school? What help do you need? Is your family supportive? What do you need to help them understand? Is your son/daughter in residential care, or at home? Does your son/daughter have a job?…

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Quick links

three adults and a child smiling

Information for

Find useful guides, research and information to help families manage PWS.

One man one lady at conference

Information for Medical Professionals

The latest medical and scientific research and information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS.

young child in a yellow dinosaur jumper

What is PWS?

Prader-Willi syndrome is a complex genetic condition. Various studies have shown that between 1 in 15,000 to 25,000 children are born with Prader-Willi syndrome.