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The importance of planned, purposeful days

…PWS are automatically directed to attend “day programmes”, once they finish school, when they are more than capable of being employed. Some day programmes provide constructive activities for their clients, especially those that are focused on individual, one-on-one support. Many day programmes, however, involve cooking, visiting shopping centres, travel-training and money management and extra and inappropriate food consumption. Food access is difficult to manage for the staff of such programmes, which are not PWS-specific. The…

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XI Conferencia Internacional IPWSO 2022

…Kinesiólogos, Enfermeras, Médicos, Psiquiatras, Profesionales de la Salud, Psicólogos Clínicos y Educacionales, Terapeutas Ocupacionales, Trabajadores Sociales, Fonoaudiólogos, Directivos y Educadores involucrados en los diversos niveles educacionales desde Ed. Parvularia a Enseñanza Superior. Revisa el programa preliminar aquí. Simposio “Stepping UP Adults” (SUAS) Y Programa par jóvenes con SPW 9 & 10 de julio de 2022 Nuestro programa para personas adultas con SPW “SUAS”, Stepping UP Adults Symposium promete ser una instancia educativa y entretenida. SUAS…

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Diet and Nutrition

…them for having PWS. Their environment is key. Starvation Syndrome To understand the importance of this drive to eat, try to look at PWS as a ‘starvation’ syndrome (behaving as if you were starving) rather than an over-eating one. Because of the dysfunction in the hypothalamus, there is no on/off mechanism that tells the brain, “I’ve eaten enough”. What happens instead is that the brain (hypothalus) keeps telling the body, “you’re starving, you need food”,…

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PWS and self-determination

…me measure out. I don’t want to be supervised, I just need a benevolent eye. For example, in high school I found a second “mother hen”, a friend, a classmate who ate her meals with me and when I wanted to go somewhere else she said “no, no, I’m staying here”. So I suggest the following formulation: do you know how to manage your food? To this question there is only one possible answer: no….

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Our friends in Slovakia

…held in Munich, Germany, in August this year. I am the mother of Tomas Benedek (16yr) who has PWS. We live in Slovakia and are member of the Slovak PWS association ( Our association has been an IPWSO member for several years. I have represented our association in IPWSO for about 10 years. I also attended several conferences organized by IPWSO, the last was the International Caregivers´ Conference held in Munich this August. For me…

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Ramadan, fasting and PWS

…Yom Kippur, which is voluntary and despite there being many exemptions from doing it for example for medical reasons. The people with PWS that they followed also took part in the fast for no particular reward. The authors followed 32 participants for the study, out of which 22 successfuly completed the fast. ———————————————————— If you have any stories to add about fasting for religious or other reasons do get in touch to share your story….

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Do you want to organise a PWS event in your country?

…the knowledge gained at the meeting will be used to further help people with PWS in that part of the world. To apply please read through the form below and complete all the sections. If you would like any help or advice about the form please contact us at Priority will be given to applicants who: have previously supported people with PWS; present a coherent plan to build on the knowledge gained at the…

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Do you want to organise a PWS event in your country?

…little awareness of PWS. Applications will be assessed in terms of: applicants’ past experience of supporting people with PWS; applicants plans to continue to support people with PWS after the workshop/conference concludes; the reasonableness of the amount claimed; the importance of providing support in this country/region; the number of people expected to benefit; the consideration, where reasonable and possible, of reducing the environmental impact of the conference/workshop. The closing date is 31 July 2024.  …

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I want the Same

I Want the Same How do you answer your person with PWS, who asks why they can’t have “the same” or do “the same” as other people? The “same” includes many more things than just food. People with PWS want to travel independently as do other adolescents and adults. Once someone with PWS learns how to reach a destination they can usually repeat the journey alone, without getting lost and are, consequently, considered to be…

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Quick links

three adults and a child smiling

Information for

Find useful guides, research and information to help families manage PWS.

One man one lady at conference

Information for Medical Professionals

The latest medical and scientific research and information, plus guides into common medical issues affecting people with PWS.

young child in a yellow dinosaur jumper

What is PWS?

Prader-Willi syndrome is a complex genetic condition. Various studies have shown that between 1 in 15,000 to 25,000 children are born with Prader-Willi syndrome.